Leading as an Entrepreneur with Jason Reichl - Part 2

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On this episode of The Friday Habit, we jump back into the conversation with Jason Reichl, cofounder of Go Nimbly and revenue operations industry expert. He talks with Mark and Ben about setting goals, culture squads, and overcoming silo syndrome.

This is the second part of Mark and Ben’s interview with Go Nimbly cofounder, Jason Reichl, so if you haven’t listened to the first part, go back to Episode 58 and get caught up! Jason says that there are two key questions you should ask yourself when it comes to setting goals:

  1. How do I enact change that sticks?
  2. How do I communicate about that change implementation? And why?
He says that if you do not communicate goals and the changes that will be a part of reaching those goals in a way that is recognizable to your team, your aims will not be effective. People need to understand specifically what you are proposing in order to jump on board. Part of this process is making your organization’s mission very visible and apparent and then having your team cast visions for themselves in a way that aligns with your mission framework. 

Once you are all on the same page regarding organizational mission and goals, Jason recommends encouraging your team to pursue innovation and have the freedom to collaborate and brainstorm in unconventional ways like Patrick Condon taught him. This incubator model is a great one for avoiding the silo syndrome of departments being afraid of change and becoming territorial. Jason talks about tracking momentum KPIs instead of some of the more traditional KPIs that put too much emphasis on the wrong targets and metrics which could contribute to silos circling their wagons. 

Another practice that Jason has implemented at Go Nimbly is culture squads, groups that come together and meet on certain issues in order to create best practices. Systems and processes like this are one of Jason’s passions in the organization because they set up the guardrails for projects and allow the team space to be proactive and innovative. The action item after this episode is to think about and write out a vision for yourself one year out. Be very specific – what you want to see, hear, taste, smell, do, etc.

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Creators and Guests

Mark Labriola II
Mark Labriola II
Founder of content creation agency Brand Viva Media https://t.co/nVInhhw4OT
Leading as an Entrepreneur with Jason Reichl - Part 2
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